Domestic Abuse Leads To Murder

Siggy - Fighting Monsters
3 min read5 days ago

Carol Neal feared for her life.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

It’s a tale older than time. Man, abuses wife, wife tries to leave, man kills wife destroying everyone around them for the rest of their lives. This one is a lot worse than that though. This is the story of Carol Neal, who tried her best to help people.

On November 10th, 1998, a friend of Carol Neal by the name of Tony Sawyer went to her home at 1005 Shawnee Way in Bowling Green Kentucky. When he got there, he found her two sons, Zack (5) and Cole (15 months) Neal alone in the home. Zack showed Tony the blood and the missing couch cushions. Tony would file a missing person report for Carol, but before he did that, he cleaned the crime scene.

Before that happened though, Carol, a social worker legally separated from her husband Leland Neal Jr in July of 1998, and in August 1998 she filed an order of protection against her husband. Carol kept a well-written journal of the things going on between her and her soon-to-be ex-husband. She would also tell a friend that Leland sexually assaulted her on top of being physically abused by him. He made threats against her life, and she believed him.

A couple hiking in the Daniel Boone National Park would find her skull on Parker’s Mountain in 2003. This is where Leland took Carol when he asked her to marry him. He told Carol when he threatened…



Siggy - Fighting Monsters

Evil most foul is what I write about. Mainly missing and murdered women, children across the United States. WE. ARE. NOT. SAFE.