The Kidnapping and Murder of Morgan Violi.

Siggy - Fighting Monsters
3 min readSep 7, 2024

The man who did it is still out there.

The Maroon Van From Bowling Green Daily News

Bowling Green Kentucky is well known for its unsolved murders during the late 1990s but the kidnapping and unsolved murder of Morgan Violi left a dark mark on the area.

It was the beginning of summer vacation for the three Violi sisters. Heather (11), Nikki (10), and Morgan (7) were living with their mother, Stacey, in apartments off Shive Lane in Bowling Green.

On July 24th, 1996 Heather and Nikki were allowed outside to play and enjoy the 90-degree weather. Morgan wasn’t supposed to be outside but the draw of her sisters and friends was too much for her to ignore. Outside she went.

Morgan Violi from Bowling Green Daily News

Around 12:30 PM a maroon van drove into the apartment complex. It passed Heather and Nikki. They waved at the man behind the wheel and he waved back as he drove by. About 8 minutes later, Morgan who had been playing with a 5-year-old friend, was pulled into the maroon van in front of several witnesses.

She would never be seen alive again.

Her father, Glen Violi was under the microscope at first because he lost custody of the girls. He failed polygraph tests and…



Siggy - Fighting Monsters

Evil most foul is what I write about. Mainly missing and murdered women, children across the United States. WE. ARE. NOT. SAFE.