Member-only story
They Could Not Control Me
What I am.
I wanted to be one of two things.
A police officer. That was my first dream. I was in the first grade when I told my family I wanted to be a police officer. The very first thing out of my father’s mouth was, “girls can’t be police officers”. I didn’t say anything because my father was telling me it was impossible and that if I did become a police officer, it would take a job away from a man.
An archaeologist. When I was 10, I was sent to my mother to live. She would tell me that a girl can do anything a boy can do. She had stipulations though. She said, “You aren’t smart enough to be an archaeologist”. She then tells me about the rules of society. How you look and carry yourself is important. Not to be trash-like. To drop my Kentucky accent.
Both parents were wrong.
My father had his reasons for keeping me down and in my place. If I became a police officer, the first person I would arrest would have been my father, my grandfather, and a spattering of other family members.
My mother was jealous the moment I was born. I’m not stupid but she loved to tell people I was special needs. She would tell them poor Siggy isn’t smart enough to graduate high school.
What I am.