Two Friends Killed the Day After Christmas

One found and one still missing.

Photo by Colin Davis on Unsplash

The day after Christmas the families of Teressa McCoy (27) and Austin Gamez (27) would get the horrific news that their children had been murdered.

Teressa McCoy FaceBook

On December 26th Austin Gamez, a father of four children, would visit a friend to hang out. He stayed with this unnamed friend until around 4 PM when he received a call from an unknown person. He told the friend he was visiting he had to go. We do not know who was on the other end of that call, but we do know he was supposed to meet up with Teressa McCoy later that evening.

Austin Gamez FaceBook

Teressa McCoy, a mother of two, was meeting with Austin so he could show her a house she wanted to buy. We don’t know the exact time he picked her up, but it was between 4 PM and 7 PM in a rental Yukon SUV. Austin’s mother would say that Austin went to his friend’s house by the name of Larry Sauer to buy pills at 103 Ottawa Avenue in Louisville Kentucky on the South End. That would be the last time she would communicate with her son.



Siggy Black - Fighting Monsters

Evil most foul is what I write about. Mainly missing and murdered women, children and LGBTQ+ across the United States. WE. ARE. NOT. SAFE.